VisibleTesla Release Notes
VisibleTesla 0.50.08 [07-12-15]
DISCLAIMER: Using VisibleTesla may cause Tesla Motors to limit or completely cease your remote access capability. If they do this, you will not be able to use your mobile phone application, or its use may be impaired. The author of VisibleTesla cannot do anything to rectify this situation if it occurs. You are solely responsible for any adverse effects that stem from the use of VisibleTesla. Use it at your own risk.
- User-Visible Changes
- General
- Login
- Overview
- Location
- Charge
- Addition: The "Time Left" row in the properties table will now reflect either the charge time remaining or the time at which the charge will be complete depending on a preference setting.
- Graphs
- Trips
- Fix: Fixed a units problem in the page which displays trips. The graph (if included) might display Imperial rather than Metric units even if Metric is selected.
- Scheduler
- Notify
- Prefs
- Addition: The General Tab now has an option that allows you to select what you'd like to see in the Charge panel for the charge time. You can either choose the time remaining until the charge is complete, or you can choose to see the time at which the charge will be complete.
- General
- Under-the-covers
- Known problems
VisibleTesla 0.50.07 [04-18-15]
DISCLAIMER: Using VisibleTesla may cause Tesla Motors to limit or completely cease your remote access capability. If they do this, you will not be able to use your mobile phone application, or its use may be impaired. The author of VisibleTesla cannot do anything to rectify this situation if it occurs. You are solely responsible for any adverse effects that stem from the use of VisibleTesla. Use it at your own risk.
- User-Visible Changes
- General
- Addition: Support new body colors.
- Addition: Add support for model 70D. Since I didn't have anything to test with, I can't guarantee that this will work.
- Refinement: Various bug fixes and minor enhancements.
- Login
- Overview
- Location
- Refinement: Fixed yet another unit conversion error in the Location Tab.
- Charge
- Graphs
- Trips
- Scheduler
- Notify
- Prefs
- Addition: The Overrides Tab now supports the new body colors as well as the S70D and S85D.
- General
- Under-the-covers
- Known problems
VisibleTesla 0.50.06 [03-15-2015]
DISCLAIMER: Using VisibleTesla may cause Tesla Motors to limit or completely cease your remote access capability. If they do this, you will not be able to use your mobile phone application, or its use may be impaired. The author of VisibleTesla cannot do anything to rectify this situation if it occurs. You are solely responsible for any adverse effects that stem from the use of VisibleTesla. Use it at your own risk.
- User-Visible Changes
- General
- Addition: There are more options for exporting data. You may export only charge related data, only location data, or both. You may also export Charge cycle information and Rest cycle information.
- Refinement: Enhancements to the exported data to make it easier to manipulate.
- Refinement: When in sleep mode you may now interact with certain tabs without waking up your car: Login, Graphs, Trips, Scheduler, Notify, Prefs. If you interact with the Overview, HVAC, Location, or Charge Tabs, it will take you out of sleep mode as before.
- Login
- Overview
- Refinement: [User Request] The button which displays the VIN or software version now cycles through three distinct values: VIN, "user level" version (e.g. 6.1), and firmware version (e.g. 2.2.92). If VisibleTesla doesn't know the relationship between a particular firmware version and a "user level" version, it will display the firmware version for both. Tesla only reports the firmware version, so VisibleTesla must do it's own conversion to firmware version.
- Addition: The production year of the vehicle is now shown in the details dialog. The production year isn't provided by Tesla, but one of the option codes appears to correspond to the production year, so VisibleTesla is using that.
- Location
- Charge
- Graphs
- Refinement: A few minor changes to make the speed line in the Graph look a little better in the face of missing data at the beginning or end of a trip. This is purely cosmetic - no new data is being collected.
- Trips
- Addition: There is now an End Trip button which will explicitly end a trip that the app thinks is in progress. Normally the app will not decide a trip has been completed until there has been no movement for over 15 minutes. Thus if you arrive at home after a trip and immediately check the Trips Tab, you won't see it. Pressing the End Trip button will cause the Trip to display now, rather than 15 minutes from now.
- Scheduler
- Notify
- Addition: [User Request] Now can send events when a specified odometer reading has been reached
- Addition: [User Request] Now can send a notification if you forget your doors unlocked
- Addition: [User Request] Now can execute an arbitrary local command in response to any notification. Run a curl script or any other program when an event occurs
- Refinement: [User Request] Now lets you explicitly select one or more charge states for notification
- Refinement: [User Request] Now allows you to specify up to 4 Enter and 4 Exit geofencing areas
- Prefs
- Refinement: Moved to a tabbed based interface for the preferences. Reorganized some of the layout as a result.
- Refinement: The Advanced Prefs is further broken down into sections.
- Refinement: Override settings have their own tab.
- Refinement: New options related to anonymous data submissions.
- Refinement: You may now limit the time period for which vampire loss data is collected. The most common use case is collect data overnight only.
- General
- Under-the-covers
- Massive under-the-cover changes to almost every corner of the app.
- New data storage subsystem that is incompatible with the old system. A one-time upgrade is performed the first time this version is run. The old data files are left in place, but they may be archived and deleted to reclaim space if desired.
- Significant code refactoring to remove dependencies and make the code easier to work on and maintain.
- Known problems
VisibleTesla 0.30.00 [10-30-2014] - EXPERIMENTAL
- User-Visible Changes
- General
- Addition: VisibleTesla now keeps track of charge cycles and stores a record. At this point all you can do with this information is export it as an excel spreadsheet and submit it (anonymized) to a central repository. Future versions will likely allow the capability to graph the information and submit it anonymously to sites that track Tesla statistics.
- Addition: Experimental - Added the Remote Start capability to the Options&rarrActions menu. Much more testing needs to be done to ensure this is a proper implementation and that appropriate feedback is presented in the user interface when remote start has been enabled.
- Addition: Added the ability to restrict the time period considered for Vampire Loss. You can now set a preference that specifies a range of times during the day that should be considered when analyzing vampire loss. For example, you can specify that only times between 10PM and 7AM should be analyzed. The time range (and whether it is active) are set using new preferences in the Graphs Prefs section.
- Addition: VisibleTesla now displays your car's name in the window title bar. If your car is on at least version 6.0 of Tesla's software, you can give your car a name using Tesla's web site.
- Refinement: Significant changes to adapt to the new Tesla 6.0 firmware. This includes the way authentication is performed with Tesla's servers (OAUTH). As a result, cookies are no longer stored to retain authenticiaton information.
- Refinement: Daydreaming mode is gone. There is just "Stay Awake" mode and "Allow Sleeping" mode. This is just a simplification. All Daydream mode did was turn off autorefresh on the tabs to minimize the load on Tesla's servers.
- Refinement: Automatic Tab refreshing has been removed. Since very few people just sit there staring at the app waiting for updates every thirty seconds, I did away with autorefresh. Of course the Location Tab will follow motion without you having to press the refresh button and when you switch between tabs, it will refresh the data on the newly selected tab. Furthermore, Tabs will automatically update data whenever data is collected in the background that effects them.
- Refinement: Several new options codes are now recognized. this may result in a more faithful representation of the car in the Overview Tab.
- Login
- Refinement: Removed the logout option. If you want to logout, you need to quit and restart.
- Overview
- Addition: VisibleTesla now supports Steel Grey as a new body color.
- Refinement: VisibleTesla now displays a distinct body for Right Hand Drive vehicles.
- Refinement: The field that toggles between the VIN or firmware version now toggles between the VIN or software version. The firmware version is an internal version number that corresponds to the detailed version of the firmware. The software version is the version number that Tesla talks about, such as 6.0. There may be several firmware versions that are all software version 6.0. VisibleTesla keeps a map of which firmware versions correspond to which software versions. If your car has a new version than VisibleTesla knows about, it will display the firmware version. Actually, it will first try to download a newer information about software and firmware versions. Only if that fails will it display the firmware version. The firmware version is always available by pressing the Details button and checking the resulting dialog box.
- Refinement: The car now shows the correct wheels on both the driver side and the passenger side of the car. Thanks to Tesla for providing the correct images.
- Location
- Charge
- Graphs
- Trips
- Scheduler
- Notify
- Addition: There is a new notification type that can send an alert if you forget your car doors unlocked. In particular, when enabled, a notification will be sent if your car is stationary (and in Park) for more than 5 minutes with the doors unlocked. Another notification will not be sent unitl the car has gone from this state to in-motion, to unlocked again.
- Addition: For advanced users only. Notifications can trigger the execution of an arbitrary command on the computer that is running VisibleTesla. Normally a notification results in an email message being sent. There's also the ability to issue an HTTP GET. Now there is a new option - the ability to execute a user-specified command. This allows advanced users to integrate VisibleTesla with other services such as home automation controllers. For details, please refer to the Notify Tab.
Refinement: Geofencing now allows you to specify up to four geofences for Car Entered Area and another four for Car Left Area. Each fence is able to deliver a separate custom message or trigger a custom action. For example, when arriving home you might have a custom action that tells your home automation system to turn on the lights. When arriving at the market, you can trigger a text message reminding you to bring in a bag.
NOTE: You will have to recreate any existing geofencing notifications that you had previously created.
- Refinement: The different types of notifications are now separated into different panes in order to make room for new notifications.
- Refinement: The Charge State Becomes notification now allows you to select one or more individual states that you are interested in. For example, you can alert on Disconnected, Stopped, and Complete if you'd like. You can still get notifications on any change to the charge state, or a single charge state.
- Fix: In version 0.29.00 notifications could lag by a couple of minutes. That has been fixed.
- Prefs
- Addition: The Graphs section now includes additional options that allow you to restrict the hours to be included in the analysis of Vampire Loss.
- Addition: The Overrides section of General Preferences now includes some additional options. For wheels, you may now select 19" Turbine Grey. For color, you may now select Steel Grey.
- Addition: The General/Advanced section now includes a Log Level setting. This does not influence the operation of the application. It is solely there to aid in diagnosing problems.
- Refinement: Changed the default of Location/Stream when possible from false to true.
- Refinement: Color and wheel overrides are now reflected immediately in the HVAC and Overview Tabs.
- General
- Under-the-covers
- Fairly significant changes to adapt to the new TeslaClient library. It was refactored while dealing with the changes to Tesla's REST API.
- Code refactoring and cleanup while performing some of the changes listed above.
- Known problems
VisibleTesla 0.29.00 [08-30-2014] - EXPERIMENTAL
- User-Visible Changes
- General
- Note: If you're using an old version of VisibleTesla (older than 0.27.03) AND you have overriden the advanced option describing where to store application files, you'll need to be careful about upgrading. Upgrade to verion 0.27.03 manually and then you can upgrade to the latst version.
Addition: The Options→Simulate menu has been replaced by a new and more general Overrides mechanism.
- The simulate menu gave you the ability to see variations of your car during a specific run of VisibleTesla. The new Overrides capability gives you to simulate an option and remember that state across sessions. There are cases where the information reported by Tesla's servers to VisibleTesla does not reflect the actual state of the car. This is usually the result of a change to the car after it was initially delivered.
- For example, you may have ordered your car with 21" wheels but later decided to switch to 19's. In fact, some people keep both types and switch during the year based on weather. Today, VisibleTesla has no way to track those changes.
- With this new feature, you can manually override the wheel setting when you change the actual wheels. For details of the UI, please refer to the documentation of the Overrides section of the Prefs Tab.
- Refinement: Added the variable {{HT_CARVIEW}} for for use in message templates. For details, please refer to the documention on the Notify Tab. This variable generates an HTML canvas representing the current state of the doors, trunks, and roof. It's similar to the car view that is displayed by the Overview Tab. This variable is for use in HTML pages only, not in notification messages.
- Refinement: Improvements to the way various wheel types are detected to handle some unusual cases.
- Login
- Refinement: In principle there should be no user visible changes to the Login Tab. In practice, there were quite a few code changes. Hopefully I did not introduce any bugs into this area, but please let me know if I did.
- Overview
- Addition: The range is now displayed on the Overview Tab. You can select which type of range is displayed using the preferences. it can be either Rated, Ideal, or Estimated.
- Addition: The shift state is now displayed. It is either P (park), N (neutral), D (drive), or R (reverse). There are times when the car may not respond with an accurate drive state. In this case a "P" will be displayed.
- Refinement: The Honk, Flash, and Wakeup buttons have been moved to the Options→Activity menu.
- Location
- Charge
- Graphs
- Trips
- Fix: When a trip is selected, an estimate of the kWh consumed is displayed. It was previously mislabeled as Power. It has been changed to Energy.
- Scheduler
- Notify
- Addition: You may now request to be notified a charge anomaly occurs. At the moment, the only anomaly that is detected is if your charging current or pilot current drops by 20% or more during a charging cycle. This feature is highly experimental since I have no way to safelt recreate such a charge anomaly.
- Refinement: Sometimes certain readings can fluctuate enough that a notification like SOC Hits or Exceeds may be triggered multiple times in a short period. VisibleTesla now avoids sending you multiple notifications in these circumstances.
- Prefs
- Addition: There is a new option in the General/Basic preferences. It controls which type of range is displayed on the Overview Tab. It can be either Rated, Estimated, or Ideal.
- Refinement: Removed the option to store application data files with the app. I've been phasing this out for a few releases and the option is now completely removed. There were a number of logistical problems maintaining this option. If you used this option in past and are upgrading from a version before 0.27.03, please follow the process listed at the very top of the release notes.
- General
- Under-the-covers
- Moved to a fully observer-based model for state updates.
- Changed the way commands are issued to Tesla's servers. There is now one background thread to issue commands rather than threads spawning and completing per command. Removed some dead code.
- Fairly massive code refactoring to make the code more manageable. Lots more could be done, but that will happen over time. The extent of these changes is in large part the reason that this release is experimental.
- Known problems
VisibleTesla 0.28.01 [07-18-2014]
- User-Visible Changes
- General
Addition: On the Mac you can now use ⌘-H to hide a window just like you can with other Mac apps. Note that unlike other Mac applications, you won't see this shortcut listed in the application menu. This is a deficiency with JavaFX on the Mac. Using ⌘-H is the same as pressing the yellow minimize icon. On Windows 7 you and beyond you can use
+↓ to minimize the VisibleTesla window. This has always been there.
- Refinement: For advanced users only - EXPERIMENTAL.You may now set an advanced preference that specifies a URL that holds custom pages that can be served up by the built-in web server. Use template variables to customize the pages. See the Prefs Tab and Web Services for details.
- Fix: The Help->What's New menu item works again.
- Fix: Fixed a minor issue with login to the web services which only affected those who are using this experimental feature.
Addition: On the Mac you can now use ⌘-H to hide a window just like you can with other Mac apps. Note that unlike other Mac applications, you won't see this shortcut listed in the application menu. This is a deficiency with JavaFX on the Mac. Using ⌘-H is the same as pressing the yellow minimize icon. On Windows 7 you and beyond you can use
- Login
- Overview
- Location
- Charge
- Graphs
- Trips
- Addition: There is a new row in the Trip property table. In addition to displaying the starting and ending value for Range, SOC, and Odometer, it now displays an estimate of the power consumed in the selected trip (or trips). This is purely an estimate. It is not a value reported by the car, but rather a rough integration of area under the power curve that you see plotted in the Graphs Tab.
- Scheduler
- Notify
- Refinement: The target email address specified for a notification may now be a comma-separated list of email addressses. This functionality has actually been there for some time, but it has now been tested.
- Refinement: Added the variable {{HT_SPEEDO}} and {{HT_LOC}} for for use in message templates. For details, please refer to the documention on the Notify Tab.
- Refinement: The {{HT_SOC_G}} variable now more accurately represents the charge state.
- Prefs
- General
- Under-the-covers
- VisibleTesla is using HTML5 Canvas to render the {{HT_SOC_G}} and {{HT_SPEEDO}} elements.
- Known problems
- There are situations where VisibleTesla will stop recording data from the car. This can result in gaps in the Graphs and missing Trips. Debugging and testing is ongoing to address this problem.
VisibleTesla 0.28.00 [07-05-2014] - [EXPERIMENTAL]
Important note for Windows users: Windows users should not use the built-in Update feature to download this version of VisibleTesla. Please download it directly by clicking here and then install as usual. This is a one-time change based on the new packaging of the Windows version (see below).
- User-Visible Changes
- General
- Addition: Starting with this release, there is now a Windows-specific zip file. It contains a complete Java Virtual Machine that is known to work with VisibleTesla. This should reduce the number of installation headaches that arise for Windows users. There is still a generic zip file which is primarily for use on Linux. It is recommended only for users who are familiar with installing and using Java applications.
- Refinement: The Mac bundled application is now signed! That means you can be assured that the application you're running hasn't been tampered with since it left the hands of the identified developer (me). There is more about this in the FAQ.
- Refinement: Added additional fields to the web-based status page including the graphical battery gauge and odometer.
- Refinement: The Help→Documentation menu item now brings up the online documentation rather than a local copy.
- Refinement: The documentation has been updated to reflect the changes to the install process for Windows.
- Login
- Overview
- Location
- Charge
- Graphs
- Trips
- Refinement: There are situations where VisibleTesla will stop recording data from the car. This can result in gaps in the Graphs and missing Trips. It can also, in some cases, lead to VisibleTesla not quitting cleanly. I found one case in which an error returned by Tesla's servers can cause this to happen. I've put in a tentative fix for that case, but there may be more circumstances like this lurking out there. As a result, I've listed this as a refinement rather than a fix. After getting more feedback from users who experience this problem regularly, I'll know whether it addressed all, none, or some of the issue.
- Scheduler
- Notify
- Fix: A bug crept back into notification messages that caused speed to be reported in the wrong units in some cases. That has been addressed.
- Refinement: Added new variables for custom messages: {{HT_SOC_G}}, {{HT_ODO}}, and {{ODO}}. For details, please refer to the documention on the Notify Tab.
- Prefs
- General
- Under-the-covers
- Removed the "stub" Mac application.
- Changes to the build scripts:
- Added a build target (
) for a Windows-specific zip file. - Added a build target (
) for a generic zip file suitable for use on Linux. - Added a build target (
) that builds the Mac bundled application and then creates a zip file from it. This is used in preparing releases.
- Added a build target (
- Known problems
- There are situations where VisibleTesla will stop recording data from the car. This can result in gaps in the Graphs and missing Trips. Debugging and testing is ongoing to address this problem.
- The Help->What's New menu item is broken. For the time being please use the Help->Documentation menu item and then click on Release Notes. Alternatively, you click here.
VisibleTesla 0.27.03 [06-22-2014]
- User-Visible Changes
- General
- Refinement: Log files are now stored in the same location as other program data files. You should never need to know or think about this unless you are reporting a bug.
- Login
- Overview
- Location
- Charge
- Graphs
- Fix: The Ignore Gaps preference that was introduced in the last release was a little overzealous. The graph would ignore gaps in data even if this preference was turned off. That is fixed now and changes to the preference are recognized immediately.
- Trips
- Scheduler
- Notify
- Refinement: Added new variables for custom messages including {{TIME_TO_FULL}}, {{C_RATE}}, {{C_AMP}}, {{C_VLT}}, {{C_PWR}}. For details, please refer to the documention on the Notify Tab.
- Prefs
- Refinement: The advanced preference that allowed you to keep program data files in the application folder has been removed. App files (including logs) are now always kept in the user folder. There is still a button which allows you to display the subfolder where these files are kept. Now instead of just popping up a dialog with the name of the folder, it actually opens the folder in Finder or Explorer.
- General
- Under-the-covers
- Known problems
VisibleTesla 0.27.02 [06-15-2014]
- User-Visible Changes
- General
- Refinement: For advanced users only - EXPERIMENTAL.Changes and additions to the web services provided by the app. There is now a status page in addition to the inactivity options page and commands. Please refer to the description of these services within the Other Topics page.
- Login
- Overview
- Location
- Charge
- Graphs
- Addition: The Graph can now handle gaps in the data in a new way. Let's say you have a gap in your data because the car was sleeping, in a dead zone, or VisibleTesla was not running. Rather than display a line between two points that are far apart and for which there is no new data, the graph can be configured to not connect the points with a line. This is similar to Display Only Markers mode, but it does present lines for periods where there is good data. You can configure how big the gap needs to be using the Graphs section of the Prefs Tab.
- Trips
- Scheduler
- Addition: Added a new command called Message. This command simply sends an email at the designated time. What makes this useful is that the email (and the subject) can contain any vehicle state you'd like such as SOC or current location. These messages use the same format as the new notification messages discussed below. For details, please refer to the documention on the Notify Tab. To provide a custom message template, press the + button that appears next to the command name.
- Notify
- Addition: Notification messages and subjects can now be customized to include whatever text and vehicle state is desired for each type of notification. For details, please refer to the documention on the Notify Tab.
- Fix: Minor fix for a user interface layout problem in the "Choose Location" dialog box.
- Prefs
- Addition: See the description of the Ignore Gaps feature of the Graphs Tab. The Prefs Tab has been expanded to provide an option to enable this behavior and to set the length of time that is considered a gap. Please refer to the documentation of the Prefs Tab.
- General
- Under-the-covers
- Refinement: Minor tweak to the Mac Bundled application to adjust a parameter to the Java VM. This may result in better performance in some cases. In other cases it may avoid the app becoming unresponsive. For most people there will be no impact whatsoever.
- Known problems
VisibleTesla 0.27.01 [05-26-2014]
- User-Visible Changes
- General
Addition: For advanced users only - EXPERIMENTAL. VisibleTesla now includes the ability to accept a *very* limited set of commands via HTTP. At the moment, the only thing it can do is set the inactivity mode. This support is off by default and should only be used by people who are comfortable with direct access to web services. If you do enable the service, it is protected via
HTTP Basic Authentication.
To use this feature, read more about the settings in the Prefs Tab and under Other Topics. -
Refinement: The Sequence chart of the Vampire Loss dialog now shows each marker circle with a size proportional to the duration of the rest period. That allows you to more easily determine the contribution of each period to the overall average. Roughly speaking, the amount of loss contributed by a given data point is related to the size of the marker and its position on the chart. A big circle high on the chart indicates the most loss, while a small circle lower on the chart indicates the least loss.
Also, the X axis now shows dates rather than sequence numbers. - Refinement: The X axis of the Sequence chart now shows dates rather than sequence numbers.
- Refinement: Updates to the Documentation.
Addition: For advanced users only - EXPERIMENTAL. VisibleTesla now includes the ability to accept a *very* limited set of commands via HTTP. At the moment, the only thing it can do is set the inactivity mode. This support is off by default and should only be used by people who are comfortable with direct access to web services. If you do enable the service, it is protected via
- Login
- Overview
- Location
- Refinement: The power side of the speed / power gauge now displays using a logarithmic scale.
- Fix: The speed side of the speed / power gauge now uses the appropriate units. It used to always show mph.
- Charge
- Graphs
- Fix: There were rare occasions in which the Graph Tab would fail to load. This has been addressed.
- Trips
- Fix: The following scenario is fixed: Start the app, take a trip, then show that Trip in the Trips Tab. Quit the app and restart. Then show the same trip in the Trips Tab. The first map will include too many markers. It disregards the Prefs setting for this.
- Scheduler
- Fix: There were circumstances under which logged messages could have spurious data in them. This has been addressed.
- Notify
Addition: For advanced users only - EXPERIMENTAL. Added the ability to perform a HTTP GET on a URL in the event of a notification instead of sending an email. You may set the notification email in any custom notification setting to a URL rather than an email address. The URL must begin with
. It must be a fully formed URL with any special characters URL-encoded. If VisibleTesla sees a URL rather than an email, it will perform an HTTP GET on that URL. It will not check error codes returned from the server nor process any returned data. The custom subject field will be ignored. This mechanism allows notifications to trigger web services for home automation or other purposes. - Refinement: The user interface for defining a location for geofencing notifications has been completely revamped and is much more interactive and visual. See the documentation for details. As a result of this change, the upper limit on radius has been lifted. The lower limit is 15 meters.
- Refinement: When a notification is sent for the Charge State Becomes trigger, it will now include the current SOC and estimated range (in appropriate units).
- Fix: In certain circumstances, Notifications regarding Scheduled Events may not be sent. This has been addressed.
Addition: For advanced users only - EXPERIMENTAL. Added the ability to perform a HTTP GET on a URL in the event of a notification instead of sending an email. You may set the notification email in any custom notification setting to a URL rather than an email address. The URL must begin with
- Prefs
- General
- Under-the-covers
- Known problems
VisibleTesla 0.27.00 [05-04-2014] - [EXPERIMENTAL]
- User-Visible Changes
- General
Refinement: Starting with this release a fully packaged Mac app available as a separate download. When you use the Help→Check for Updates menu item or an auto-update is performed, you'll be presented with a link that allows you to download the bundled app rather than the generic package. The underpinnings are there to add a bundled app for Windows and Linux too, but those aren't on the task list yet. user araxara has been graciously building and host a bundled Mac app for quite a while and this bundled version is no different except that it supports the updating feature and uses a new icon (which can be changed either at build time or by updating the package).
- Refinement: Refined the logic in calculating Vampire Loss statistics. The code makes better guesses about what to do in the facing of missing data.
- Fixed: The update mechanism would fail silently with certain errors and the user would have no indication of what happened. That has been improved.
Refinement: Starting with this release a fully packaged Mac app available as a separate download. When you use the Help→Check for Updates menu item or an auto-update is performed, you'll be presented with a link that allows you to download the bundled app rather than the generic package. The underpinnings are there to add a bundled app for Windows and Linux too, but those aren't on the task list yet.
- Login
- Overview
- Location
- Fixed: Major revision to the way streaming data works. There should be very few user visible changes other than bugs going away. In particular, some users noticed that data would stop streaming at random points while the Location Tab was in use.
- Charge
- Graphs
- Refinement: In some cases you will see more data samples for speed and power if you select the Stream when possible option in the Prefs Tab. See below.
- Trips
- Scheduler
- Notify
- Prefs
- Refinement: In the Location section of the Prefs Tab there is a new checkbox labeled Stream when possible. If checked, this tells VisibleTesla to stream location data opportunistically even when not on the Location Tab. When the car is not moving this will have no net effect, when the car is moving, more streaming location data will be captured. The exception is very short trips (less than 2 minutes).
- General
- Under-the-covers
- Fixed: Fairly significant overhaul to the way the app coordinates use of the streaming data api. This manifests in the ways listed above under Location, Graphs, and Prefs.
- Refinement: Modified the Mac app bundling task to remove a duplicate library, which decreased the download size by about 10%.
- Known problems